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The Standard
BABOK Applied
Agile Extension
Business Data Analytics
Product Ownership Analysis
The Standard
BABOK Applied
Agile Extension
Business Data Analytics
Product Ownership Analysis
10. Techniques
Introduction 10.1 Acceptance and Evaluation Criteria 10.2 Backlog Management 10.3 Balanced Scorecard 10.4 Benchmarking and Market Analysis 10.5 Brainstorming 10.6 Business Capability Analysis 10.7 Business Cases 10.8 Business Model Canvas 10.9 Business Rules Analysis 10.10 Collaborative Games 10.11 Concept Modelling 10.12 Data Dictionary 10.13 Data Flow Diagrams 10.14 Data Mining 10.15 Data Modelling 10.16 Decision Analysis 10.17 Decision Modelling 10.18 Document Analysis 10.19 Estimation 10.20 Financial Analysis 10.21 Focus Groups 10.22 Functional Decomposition 10.23 Glossary 10.24 Interface Analysis 10.25 Interviews 10.26 Item Tracking 10.27 Lessons Learned 10.28 Metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) 10.29 Mind Mapping 10.30 Non-Functional Requirements Analysis 10.31 Observation 10.32 Organizational Modelling 10.33 Prioritization 10.34 Process Analysis 10.35 Process Modelling 10.36 Prototyping 10.37 Reviews 10.38 Risk Analysis and Management 10.39 Roles and Permissions Matrix 10.40 Root Cause Analysis 10.41 Scope Modelling 10.42 Sequence Diagrams 10.43 Stakeholder List, Map, or Personas 10.44 State Modelling 10.45 Survey or Questionnaire 10.46 SWOT Analysis 10.47 Use Cases and Scenarios 10.48 User Stories 10.49 Vendor Assessment 10.50 Workshops

4. Tasks and Knowledge Areas

F) Solution Evaluation

The Business Analysis Standard

This knowledge area describes the tasks that business analysis professionals perform to assess the performance of, and value delivered by a solution in use by the enterprise, and to recommend removal of barriers or constraints that prevent the full realization of the value.


BACCM™ for Solution Evaluation

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Business Analysis Tasks

Analytical Thinking and Problem Solving, and Business Knowledge competencies are required for Solution Evaluation tasks.

See: BABOK Guide v3, 9.1 Analytical Thinking and Problem Solving and BABOK Guide v3, 9.3 Business Knowledge

Business Analysis Tasks for Solution Evaluation.jpg


Input and Output Relationships

input and output relationships for Solution Evaluation.jpg

Explore Task Cards:


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Measure Solution Performance

To define performance measures and use the data collected to evaluate the effectiveness of a solution in relation to the value it brings.


Analyze Performance Measures

To provide insights into the performance of a solution in relation to the value it brings.


Assess Solution Limitations

To determine the factors internal to the solution that restrict the full realization of value.


Assess Enterprise Limitations

To determine how factors external to the solution are restricting value realization.


Recommend Actions to Increase Solution Value

To understand the factors that create differences between the potential and actual value and to recommend a course of action to align them.


All Task Cards

All Task cards related to Solution Evaluation.
