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2. The Agile Mindset
Agile is best described as a mindset that guides the way work is approached. Agile is not a methodology that prescribes how to do that work.
7. Techniques
It can be challenging to select the right technique for the situation to get the desired outcome. The following chart provides general guidance on when to choose a specific technique. Please note
2. Business Data Analytics Domains and Tasks
Business Data Analytics Domains and Tasks presents the practices and activities that are commonly considered business data analytics work. Emphasis is placed on identifying areas where business
Talk and Communicate to Executives?
If you want to learn about communicating and influencing, as well as barriers you might face, check out Talk and Communicate with Executives.
2.2.6 A Case Study for Source Data
Voice termination fraud, also referred to as SIMbox fraud, often occurs when international calls are hijacked by an intermediate network party and the call traffic is routed via Voice over
2.4.7 A Case Study for Interpret and Report Results
HiFive Ice Creams is a premium ice cream retailer, with a strong urban presence and dozens of ice cream parlours in several major cities. HiFive implemented a new offering called “mix-ins” which
2.3.3 Explore Data
Exploring data involves performing an initial exploratory analysis to ensure the data being collected is what was expected from the data sources. It provides a form of quality check to ensure the
2.3.6 Select Techniques for Analyze Data
The following is a selection of some commonly used analysis and analytics techniques applicable to the Analyze Data domain. The following list of techniques does not represent a comprehensive set
2.2.2 Determine the Data Sets
Determining data sets involves performing a review of the data expected from the data sources and determining specifics such as data types, data dimensions, sample size, and relationships between