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6.22 Risk Analysis and Management
Risk Analysis and Management identifies areas of uncertainty that could negatively affect value and analyzes and evaluates those uncertainties. It also develops and manages ways of dealing with
6.25 Story Mapping
Story Mapping is used to assist in creating an understanding of product functionality and the flow of usage, and to assist with prioritizing product delivery.
6.27 Value Proposition Canvas
The value proposition is the culmination of ideas, customer intimacy, market insights, evidence, and design articulated into a promise of value to be delivered to customers. It demonstrates a
6.29 Visioning
Visioning is concisely worded to determine the desired outcome for an initiative.
2.6 Value of the POA Framework
POA builds on, and extends, Product Ownership concepts that were introduced with Scrum and adopted by other agile approaches.
5.2 Cultivate Customer Intimacy
Customer intimacy centres on knowing people. Cultivating it takes deep attention to identify what customers' value, dedication, and passion.
5.1.1 Set Up the Organization for Success
Either an organization supports product teams, or it hinders them. The challenge of creating, launching, and maintaining a successful product is complex and difficult. An organization needs to
5.2.2 Apply Customer Learnings
Several ideas and opportunities emerge from these activities. It is tempting to start to chase those ideas and to build something amazing for the customer that they have come to care about.