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In 2022 What's your professional mantra going to be
What are your professional goals – even mantras – for this year? What can people in our community (Chapter and Global) do to help? Given the evolving economic and distributed work incentives,
Extending your elevator pitch
Where might you need an elevator pitch? (To avoid the shameless plug for the value in attending Chapter meetings, skip to the next paragraph.) Have I told you how much I LOVE harmonization? I
7 Cybersecurity Red Flags You Need to Know
Did you know social engineering is an escalating way cybercriminals are tricking users into performing actions that lead to security breaches? In a recent IIBA webinar, presenter Erich Kron,
Why Digital Transformation is Hard
Why is digital transformation hard? As you move from leadership down to the people "making things happen", the focus shifts. The customer becomes less central. Changing
5 Awesome Study Tips for CPOA
Gain insights on how to study for the Product Ownership Analysis certification, which recognizes the integration of Business Analysis and Product Ownership.