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IIBA Strategic Plan

What’s at our core?
To unite a community of professionals to create better business outcomes.

2017 Audited Financial Statements

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To fulfill our core purpose as a professional association dedicated to helping the business analysis community create better business outcomes, the International Institute of Business Analysis™ (IIBA®) works diligently in collaboration with our volunteers to support the recognition of the profession and maintain the global standard for the practice and certification. As the voice of the business analysis community we need to be responsive and to foster a culture of continuous learning through professional development and engaging networking experiences for our members and the broader BA community. To meet this challenge requires an ongoing and agile approach to strategic planning.

In 2015, IIBA launched a 3-year strategic plan and introduced five pillars to help us reshape the future of IIBA and achieve operational excellence. Through this plan we reached out to our community to enhance our Chapter model, lead research and streamline our systems and processes. Through this process we learned some important things and we found what worked and what we needed to change. This year we took a step back for a more comprehensive look at our strategy, the marketplace and what changes we need to take to undertake to develop a plan to drive us forward.