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Capture Key Requirements?
Follow this scenario for capturing key requirements, a crucial component in business analysis. Watch the video and download the provided checklist.
4. Strategy Horizon
4. Strategy Horizon Agile Extension to the BABOK® Guide | IIBA® 4. Strategy Horizon <style> .knowledgeHub .tile_card-title { padding-top: 3rem; padding-left: 3rem; padding-right: 3rem;
1. Introduction to Business Data Analytics
Most business decisions involve some degree of uncertainty and the decision-makers seldom know the exact outcome of their actions. Data plays a crucial and transformational role in how
1.1 What is Business Data Analytics?
Business data analytics is a specific set of techniques, competencies, and practices applied to perform continuous exploration, investigation, and visualization of business data.
1.2 The Business Data Analytics Cycle
The business data analytics cycle represents the research aspects of business analytics. It is an iterative cycle initiated through the development of a well-formed research question and then