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6.7 Techniques
Personas: used to create a shared understanding of who the customer is, frequently a core item when Thinking as a Customer.
7.2 Behaviour Driven Development
Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) is used to increase value, decrease waste, and increase communication between stakeholders and delivery teams by focusing on the intended customer behaviour for
7.6 Minimal Viable Product
Minimal Viable Product (MVP) is used to avoid cost and risk associated with developing the wrong product by testing a hypothesis, reducing waste, or increasing speed to customers for feedback and
7.7 Personas
Personas are used to understand and empathize with an intended stakeholder in order to align the solution with the stakeholder need.
7.13 Relative Estimation
Relative Estimation is used to make future predictions based on past experience, knowledge, complexity, size, and uncertainty required to complete backlog items.
7.21 User Stories
User Stories are used to convey a customer requirement for the delivery team.
2.5 The Business Analysis Core Concept Model ™
The Business Analysis Core Concept Model™ (BACCM™) provides a conceptual framework for business analysis that is comprised of six terms that have a common meaning to all business analysis
4.1 Purpose
The purpose of analysis at the Strategy Horizon is to inform decisions regarding the organization's business goals.