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3 reasons why business data analytics play a key role in projects and program outcomes.
The need for business data analytics is on the rise, not in spite of COVID-19, but because of it.
User Story is an term unambiguously related to Agile methodology of software development. When we think of Scrum we usually associate it with User Story and the other way around. What is User
Society around the globe got different needs and ideas that can be realized through software. From simple landing sites, plugins, ERP-CRM systems, and others, those systems serve for giant
This blog is a summary of the article New Techniques Business Analysts Will Need to Leverage Post-Pandemic from the July issue of IIBA’s members e-magazine BA Lens.
Documenting requirements is a task of high importance as it’s the foundation phase that can lead to success in the other business analysis phases. A requirement document will be used in design,
Business analysis and business data analytics – A powerful and essential partnership Although business data analytics and business analysis have been used interchangeably, there are some
Digital transformation and data analytics are driving demand for business analysis skills in non-traditional business analyst roles. Foundational skills remain key to laying the groundwork for a
Simply put, Business Data Analytics is a set of techniques, competencies and practices applied to the continuous exploration, iteration, and investigation of business data in order to obtain