Twelve Days of Business Analysis Recap
This season we put together a list of 12 noteworthy techniques to share with you during the 12 days of business analysis starting on December 25, 2019. Thank you for following our #12daysofbusinessanalysis on social. In case you missed a post, we’ve recapped them for you below:
The 12 Days of Business Analysis:
On the 1st day
of #12DaysofBusinessAnalysis we kick it off with Judy Alter, IIBA Global Chapter Council Chair who shares her best memory of using the Non-Functional Requirements Analysis Technique: #Brainstorming.
On the 2nd day
@bcarkenord discusses the #MOSTAnalysis technique.
On the 3rd day
we explore #UseCases with Koryn Anderson who shares how her BA team (with Abby Bichler) recently facilitated a series of interviews with various stakeholders to identify the business use cases for a feature in their backlog.
On the 4th day
hear all about #ConceptModelling and why it's @Fabricio_Laguna's favourite Business Analysis Technique
On the 5th day
Jamie Champagne shares the ONE THING you shouldn’t do when using the technique #Brainstorming.
On the 6th day
Jared Gorai, Director of Chapters & Membership, IIBA @ThePassionateBA, talks about the #SWOTAnalysis technique.
On the 7th day
IIBA’s Regional Director of Europe, @VictoriaCupet discusses the #BusinessAnalysis technique, #Mindmaping, and how it has helped her in the CBAP exam preparations.
On the 8th day
we deep dove into #UserStories with IIBA’s Chapter Operations Manager, Danelkis Serra.
On the 9th day
we gave a shout out to our IIBA community and asked you to share one thing about #RequirementsInterview techniques, read the comments posted in our LinkedIn discussion.
On the 10th day
consultant Jodie Kane shared her experience with us on #Personas and their importance to gaining greater understanding.
On the 11th day
Colleen Crews-Meesey Cristarella, MBA, CBAP candidly shared her thoughts on #datamodeling - a critical technique to use with your business stakeholders.
On the 12th day
we concluded our #12DaysofBusinessAnalysis with a quote from Lora McCoy, CBAP on #JourneyMapping.
IIBA Members can now quick reference these business analysis techniques and more using the BABOK® Guide Interactive Edition and the BABOK® Scenarios.
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