Be Bold. Get Inspired. Take Action.
From where I take inspiration…
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This year’s blog series going to take a slightly different approach, in particular with regard to IIBA’s strong volunteer community and network. As you know, IIBA honors its amazing volunteers each year through its Volunteer of the Year program. I then get the rare opportunity to interview and share their amazing insights in blog posts throughout the year. This year, instead of one intense article dedicated to each winner, we are going to sprinkle their insights on assorted topics throughout the year. I will engage them on my regular “popcorning” – my previous description of how my brain processes and synthesizes information – on various topics, usually encountered at a Chapter meeting.
To start the year, let’s meet the 2021 Volunteers of the Year:- Eastern Region: Georges Bryson - Montreal
- West/Central Region: Debbi Levin - Phoenix
- Middle East, Africa, Asia Pacific, and India: Yasser Talat - Egypt
- Europe Region: Claude Duc - Geneva
Georges Bryson
If you think you recall the name Georges Bryson from the past, you are correct. Georges Bryson’s passion and dedication to the business analysis profession is so great that he was also the 2019 Volunteer of the Year. Georges is the VP of Professional Development for the IIBA Montreal Chapter. (And he has held this role since 2008!) He has over 35 years of business analysis experience, including co-founding the MontGuide Inc. consulting firm and educating future business analysts at McGill University.
I started the initial introductions off with a “lightweight” question. I asked our extraordinary volunteers what their individuals mantras are for 2022 – much as I challenged myself and all of you last month.
For Georges, his mantra is “Be A Verb!” He stated: “I wanted to downplay the yst in the term Business Analyst versus doing Business Analysis.” Georges has taken this inspiration from America architect Richard Buckminster Fuller, who in 1970 wrote a book I Seem To Be a Verb: "I live on Earth at present, and I don't know what I am. I know that I am not a category. I am not a thing—a noun. I seem to be a verb, an evolutionary process—an integral function of the universe."
Debbi Levin
Like Georges, Debbi Levin a long-time IIBA volunteer as well. Debbi is the Secretary of the IIBA Phoenix Chapter. She has been a business analyst for more than 20 years; and she credits the BA community for making her better in her job. She states: “I like what I learn from the BA community about how to be better at my job and to think more strategically.”
I also asked Debbi for her mantra for 2022, and I admit I find hers to be the most genuine and most relatable for all of us right now. “My mantra for the next year is to take care of myself. Don't stress myself out over things I cannot control and ensure I think of myself so that I can give my best to my commitments.” We know that IIBA’s volunteers give a LOT to the communities they serve. This philosophy on self-care is fundamental.
Yasser Talat
Yasser Talat is the VP of Professional Development for the IIBA Egypt Chapter. He has over 18 years of experience in Information Technology and has earned multiple certifications. Like Georges, in addition to being a practicing business analyst, Yasser also shares his passion by training others and assisting others in their own certification pursuits.
In last month’s blog, I referenced Yasser’s advice for 2022 in believing we should “Just do it!” To Yasser, “it is all about taking action. If anybody would like to pursue the profession of business analysis and develop himself/herself, so taking action is the key. [For example] If you are a novice, take action and start learning; if you already have the knowledge, take action and start practicing. If you are experienced, take action and teach others, etc.”
Claude Duc
As with all of our volunteers, Claude has a long-time relationship with the IIBA Geneva Chapter; he is the current President. He has an active business analysis consulting career, including a similar dedication to his craft and training through additional certifications and degrees.
Unfortunately, Claude and I weren’t able to connect further before the deadline for this post. We look forward to his insights on future topics throughout the year.
Thank you to all our 2021 Volunteers of the Year for their introductions and inspirations for 2022. We’ll engage with them on additional topics throughout the year!
Be Bold features members, volunteers, and Chapters who are taking bold action. If you have a story to tell or a recommendation for future inclusion, please feel free to reach out to
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About the Author:

Koryn Anderson enjoyed a couple of careers before finding her ultimate one. She has been a business analyst for more than 10 years and is currently a Lead Business Analyst at Baird. She is passionate about the BA discipline, has her CBAP® certification, is Past President of the Southeast Wisconsin Chapter, and is the current Communications Director for the Global Chapter Council.