Analysis Everywhere: Uniting the Business Analysis Community
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Rooted in the spirit of interconnectedness and shared experiences, Analysis Everywhere is a chance for the business analysis community to tell its story and explore the vital role practitioners play in shaping industries and organizations through their expertise. This impact is summed up by the definition of business analysis and its broad applicability across an organization:

Analysis Everywhere celebrates the ubiquity and significance of business analysis across diverse sectors, roles, and organizational levels. It unites the following four key aspects of business analysis today.
1. Impact Across Industries
Business analysis knows no bounds. It permeates every industry and profession, offering invaluable insights and strategic guidance to organizations of all sizes, at all levels. From healthcare to finance, retail to technology, business analysis is the linchpin that drives innovation and progress in the modern world.
2. Visibility and Tangibility
Through Analysis Everywhere, the tangible impact of business analysis work and the professionals behind it will take centre stage. By showcasing real-life success stories and highlighting the tangible outcomes of business analysis initiatives, Analysis Everywhere underscores the indispensable role of business analysis professionals in organizational success.
3. Community Unification
Beyond IIBA, Analysis Everywhere seeks to unite business analysis professionals worldwide under a shared sense of community and purpose. Through grassroots initiatives and communities of excellence, professionals are encouraged to collaborate, share insights, and support one another on their journey toward excellence.
4. Global Reach
With a global reach that transcends geographical boundaries, Analysis Everywhere serves as a testament to the far-reaching influence of both IIBA and the profession of business analysis. By fostering connections and collaboration on a global scale, it aims to amplify the collective voice of business analysis professionals worldwide.

Help spread the word, share your experiences, and paint a picture of business analysis as a key driver of organizational success and progress in today's interconnected world.
The emblem of Analysis Everywhere—a small orange ball symbolizing the dot in IIBA’s logo—serves as a visual representation of business analysis’s global reach, so use it to tell your story!

Make Your Mark
Analysis Everywhere is more than just a tagline—it's a rallying cry for the business analysis community to come together, celebrate their achievements, and champion the vital role they play in shaping the organizations of tomorrow.That spirit was recently on show at Building Business Capability 2024 in sunny Florida, where I saw Analysis Everywhere in action throughout the event. As IIBA’s Junior Product Manager Tyler Kenny put it: “We use analysis everywhere—not just at work but in our personal lives—all facets of our lives!”
Many business analysis professionals shared their take on the broad impact business analysis can have, both at work and at home:

“You can do analysis on everything that you’re doing—understanding the ins and outs, what feeds into and how you can make the processes better.” — Ashley Skipton

“I use business analysis every day at work, and I use it all the time at home too—seeing all the connections in things I can fix…” — Ginger Allgeier

“Analysis Everywhere to me means you’re always looking everywhere—you’re looking at different perspectives through different lenses on how to view things—you’re looking from a customer’s point of view, software/tester point of view, and making sure that everything is in alignment and makes sense in the process from the beginning to the end.” — Judy Kingsbury

“I practice Analysis Everywhere! I’m a new mom and I have so many things that need to get done. With my kids, I need to make sure I prioritize their meals and naptime, on top of me working and getting my things done. So it takes a lot of prioritization, planning, analysis, implementation and feedback too!” — Ritika Sood

“I practice Analysis Everywhere specifically when I’m working out—I’m thinking about what I’m eating, what my goals are, what my workout is for that day, and how to accomplish my goals, My goals are for the month so I’m always thinking and analyzing my fitness journey.” — Brandi B. Sonnier
Now the ball’s in your court!
Let’s continue embracing #AnalysisEverywhere and join forces to elevate business analysis and those who practice it every day.
Download #AnalysisEverywhere Graphics
If you’re camera-shy, that’s okay! Use our complimentary Analysis Everywhere graphics to spread the word, share your experiences, and contribute to the collective voice of business analysis.Download the graphics and share them on your social networks. Remember to tag @IIBA and use the hashtag #AnalysisEverywhere.
If you have questions or need some inspiration for sharing your story, please visit our website for more information on Analysis Everywhere.
About the Author

Jeff is passionate about advancing the global business analysis community. He leads a remarkable team responsible for all marketing, communications, brand and design, content delivery, lead generation, webinars and events, advertising, and related activities to nurture the growing demand for business analysis. With over twenty years of digital marketing leadership experience, most recently including the Silicon Valley start-up world, Jeff helps IIBA continue to evolve with the changing demands of the workplace and our diverse global membership.